1 John, Part 5 – The Unbeliever
After his introduction, John compares the basis of assurance of salvation as opposed to the reasons to suspect that someone is a non-believer. Rather than look at the comparisons as they are written, I divided the listed characteristics of the unbeliever from the characteristics of the believer in order to take a closer look. This form of study is called analysis…..
1 John, Part 5 – The Unbeliever
After his introduction, John compares the basis of assurance of salvation as opposed to the reasons to suspect that someone is a non-believer. Rather than look at the comparisons as they are written, I divided the listed characteristics of the unbeliever from the characteristics of the believer in order to take a closer look. This form of study is called analysis…..
1 John, Part 4 –The Purpose of the First Epistle of John
This epistle is written in a loosely classical essay format in which the writer tells his audience what he is going to write about, writes about it with at least three subsections of slightly different emphases, and then reviews with his audience what he has written about. The overall theme is assurance of salvation.
Years ago,…..
1 John, Part 3 – Amazing Advocate
I was talking to a friend last week about God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness. These are characteristics that do not come naturally to us humans and so we have difficulty comprehending them in God. It is a good thing Jesus does not require comprehension. He only requires faith and obedience.
1 Peter 2:24 tells us that Jesus, “…bare our sins in…..
1 John, Part 2 – The Battle of Two Wills
1 John 1:5-7 sets the topical pattern for the whole epistle:
“This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:…..