Silence in the Presence of God
“But the LORD is in His holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before Him” (Hab. 2:20).
The context of the prophet Habakkuk’s declaration is the contrast between the impotent idols of man and the perfect power and glory of God. The Lord is not only “in His holy temple”, but He is also available to hear us when we call…..
Knowing the Will of God
When I was a teenager, I was stressed about knowing the will of God for my life. When I was ten years old, I decided I wanted to become an MD. A few years later, the father of a friend discouraged me from doing that, citing the terrible responsibility a doctor has for the care of her patients. I thought perhaps a career…..
The Cacophony from Hell
Luke 23:13-25 records Jesus’ second appearance before Pilate. The first time He stood before Pilate, the chief priests and scribes of Jerusalem brought charges of political activism against Him, knowing that Pilate would not hear the case based on their religious accusations of blasphemy against a God the Procurator did not believe in:
“Pilate summoned the chief priests and the rulers and the…..
God’s Character Revealed in Salvation
In our modern-day Bibles, Psalm 139:1-24 appears to be one long poem written without separations except by single-sentence lines. But when you read it through from start to finish, it becomes clear that the psalm is David’s declaration of his relationship with God who is omniscient and omnipresent. It also envisages the relationship of the New Testament believer with God, listing the benefits…..
God Can Even Make A Donkey Talk…
What would you do if your dog began to talk to you as if he were human? We used to have a very intelligent Chow who had learned, among other speech mimicry, the two syllables for the word “outside” and used it when he needed to go outside. But it was still two barks. The shape of his muzzle and the…..