When I fell and broke my right wrist three and a half years ago, I asked my left-handed daughter if we could trade “handedness” for a while. She doesn’t think it works that way.
When things like broken bones happen, most people bemoan the issue and complain about the crimp the temporary disability puts on their lifestyle. Yes, we are distracted by the pain. But for the Christian…..
“Feet Wet” is a term I have heard in movies and TV programs involving military flight. It is a short way of saying, “We are no longer flying over land, but we are now flying over water.” We also have a “wet feet” idiomatic expression in the English language that refers to being afraid to do something. In Christianity, however, there is an Old Testament benchmark for wet…..
You may be wondering why I have been doing re-runs the past few weeks. For one thing, the topic of prayer seemed an appropriate direction given our current chaotic social and political culture. But it was primarily a matter of survival for me. Recently my husband was diagnosed with cancer for the third time. We have been busy with biopsies, doctor visits, and surgical after-care. In other words,…..
He Knows My Name
While shopping recently I was delighted to watch two little girls whose mother was standing in line in front of me. The two girls couldn’t have been more than 3 ½ years old, twins and mirror images of each other. But how different their personalities are one from the other.
The one stood aggressively rattling a plastic bag of gummy candies hanging on the…..
God’s Boundless Mercy
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…” (1 Pet. 1:3).
God chose Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to father His chosen people, Israel. He gave them commandments for obedience and holiness to God alone. Throughout the Old Testament God’s…..
Moving Time
Last Friday we were able to move into our new house. Since then we have been organizing, finding places for our belongings, and bringing stuff from storage, some of which has been there since June. Like Christmas? Maybe, in some cases. But stressful as we try to prioritize what room needs to be set up first. Yes, unpacking the clothes is important. So are the office…..
Be Exalted, O God
The past few weeks have been extraordinarily busy and stressful as we have been in the middle of selling our Susanville house and buying another in the Reno area at the same time. I now understand the wisdom exercised by friends who moved a couple of years ago and waited to buy in Reno until their house sold. They lived in an apartment for…..