1 John, Part 12 – The Summary
In this final installment of the 1 John series, we will summarize the answer John gives to the question of how we know we belong to God. Quite simply it is found in 1 John 3:24, “And he that keeps His commandments dwells in Him, and He in him. And hereby we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit…..
1 John, Part 11b – More of What We Know
Throughout 1 John, we are told in various ways what we need to know for both our assurance of salvation and our firm understanding regarding Jesus Christ, the Son of God. But there are also places in 1 John that cite that “we know” specific information. Last week we explored the first four of the “we know” statements……
1 John, Part 11a – “We Know”
Throughout 1 John, we are told in various ways what we need to know for both our assurance of salvation and our firm understanding regarding Jesus Christ, the Son of God. But there are also places in 1 John that cite that “we know” specific information.
The first one is 1 John 2:3, “And hereby we do know that we know…..
1 John, Part 10 – Assurance
That the apostle John addresses the issue of assurance of salvation based on the outcomes of salvation in 1 John indicates that he recognized a confusion about this among the believers of his time. Basically 1 John gives us three attributes of the Christian life by which we have assurance of our salvation, no matter what our circumstances or feelings: faith based…..
1 John, Part 9 – Error
One of the purposes that John wrote the First Epistle of John to the early Christians was to confirm the truth of who Jesus is and that He is the source of our salvation. 1 John 5:13 says, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may know that you have…..
So That Happened…
This week I am taking a break from the 1 John series in order to talk about something that happened on Tuesday. We were involved in an auto accident in which a big pickup truck veered into our lane, side-swiped one car, hit another head-on sending it flying to fall to the valley floor some twenty feet beyond and eight feet below the road bed,…..
1 John, Part 8 – The Love of God
1 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” God uses humans to accomplish His work on earth, but not human character. The character of Christ in us is both exhibited in and poured out through His children to a…..
1 John, Part 7 – The Character of God
The past two weeks I have submitted to you lists from 1 John of how God calls us to live in terms of assurance of salvation and how the lack of those things in our lives point to a lack of salvation or a true relationship with God. These might appear to some as an exercise in legalism, but…..
1 John, Part 6 – The Precepts of True Christianity
When I was a teenager, the cars that I learned to drive had something in the center of the hoods by which I could line up securely with the edge of the shoulder to ensure that I was properly placed in my lane and would not drift into the way of oncoming cars. The 1953 Willies had a…..
1 John, Part 5 – The Unbeliever
After his introduction, John compares the basis of assurance of salvation as opposed to the reasons to suspect that someone is a non-believer. Rather than look at the comparisons as they are written, I divided the listed characteristics of the unbeliever from the characteristics of the believer in order to take a closer look. This form of study is called analysis…..