Be Careful What You Pray For
The envelope arrives in your mailbox telling you that you have “definitely won” an enormous amount of money. Then you read the fine print, “if the number inside is the winning number.” Your interest is piqued and you follow all the directions, send the official entry form back, and pray that the Lord would make you the winner. In the weeks, months,…..
To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice
When I was eleven years old, I disobeyed my parents and my punishment was to write lines. That was not the only time, nor the last time, that I was disciplined for disobedience; but it was among the most memorable.
The lines Dad chose for me to write were from 1 Samuel 15:22, “To obey is better than sacrifice.” And as is…..
Modeling the Magic Words
A few years ago I bought a really nice outdoor barbecue grill for my husband’s Christmas gift. It was the best gift I could ever have given myself. Since then he has voluntarily done most of the cooking for us. It’s been lovely for me and early on I learned to thank him each time, even when there was too much garlic or spice…..
Faith Looks Up
One of my favorite hymns as a child was “My Faith Looks up to Thee” by Lowell Mason. The third verse says
While Life’s dark maze I tread and grief around me spread, be thou my guide. Bid darkness turn to day, wipe sorrow’s tears away, nor let me ever stray from thee aside.
As a child I did not truly understand sorrow and grief……
Spending Time with God
When I discovered that I had lost my cellphone yesterday, I experienced a similar feeling to what I experience when I do not spend quality time with my Lord.
Women carry big purses for a reason and mine is no exception. I carry emergency stuff in it that I would sorely miss when needed–like a nail file, anti-histamine cream and pills, cough drops, emergency…..
Today on Facebook I encountered two posts from “Hope for the Broken Hearted”.
One was a “Prayer of Release” in which the supplicant releases burdens and control to God, requests the promised peace of God, and thanks God for the subsequent protection and sustaining peace. The Bible clearly calls us to humble ourselves before God and to cast our cares on Him in 1 Peter 5:6-7. Philippians 4:6-7…..
Welcome. My name is Susan Merritt, PhD, author of The Culture of Hope Founded on Faith. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here.
I’ll be using this blog to interact with you about The Culture of Hope Founded on Faith,…..