We are the Body of Christ and the gifts of the Holy Spirit that are divided out to each of us are for the efficient functioning of the body, directed by the Holy Spirit. According to Merrill Unger, “A gift implies a settled and continual abilities to do something again and again” (from The Gift of Seeing Angels and Demons: A Handbook for Discerners of Spirits, pp 15-16)……
Some time ago Heritage hosted a panel discussion on issues surrounding transgenderism. Along with obviously conservative members, the panel included a lesbian and a prominent leader of NOW. The idea of the negative impact of promotion of transgender acceptability on women was probably the only thing they agreed on. But that one idea brought them together in an activist setting to declare concerns about safety and the potential…..
The envelope arrives in your mailbox telling you that you have “definitely won” an enormous amount of money. Then you read the fine print, “if the number inside is the winning number.” Your interest is piqued and you follow all the directions, send the official entry form back, and pray that the Lord would make you the winner. In the weeks, months, and years to come, you receive…..