Although the information coming out of CDC is sometimes questionable these days, their sleep needs chart draws from several reputable studies. Here’s how much sleep their website suggests, by age, for optimal health levels (
Many people struggle to maintain healthy sleep habits for a variety of reasons including outside disruptors,…..
The living sacrifice described in Romans 12:1-5 involves our personal commitment to habitual and continuous worship of God demonstrated by the way we think and live. Each verse presents a different aspect of our daily lives permeated by God: Personal Holiness, Personal Purity, Personal Humility, Personal Collaborative Approach, and Personal Perspective of Unity in Christ. Today we will look at verse three.
3. Personal Humility – “For I say…..
Once we have, by faith, accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we spend the rest of our lives learning what that means. Some define this process as a developing maturity of faith, others as a progressive sanctification. Setting semantics aside, it is God’s training of His people through biblical instruction towards both foundational support for our earthly journey and preparation for eternity in Heaven. With time we…..
As Dan’s caregiver fifteen years ago, I found dealing with insurance companies among the most difficult activities related to cancer that I had to do. I spent a great deal of time, sometimes more than an hour, on the phone waiting for agents to answer so I could ask my questions. I usually ended up on hold, as well, waiting for the supervisor to be asked the question……
Some time ago Heritage hosted a panel discussion on issues surrounding transgenderism. Along with obviously conservative members, the panel included a lesbian and a prominent leader of NOW. The idea of the negative impact of promotion of transgender acceptability on women was probably the only thing they agreed on. But that one idea brought them together in an activist setting to declare concerns about safety and the potential…..
“Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.” (Matt. 6:9-13)
The Lord’s…..
At Hezekiah’s request, Isaiah asked God to take the shadow backwards ten degrees as a sign of His healing. And God did it (2 Kings 20:8-11). While it is nothing for the Creator to bend time and reverse solar movement like that, it is a significant demonstration of God’s intent to honor Hezekiah’s request.
The Matthew 6:9-13 Lord’s Prayer includes the phrase “Give us this day, our daily…..
When I fell and broke my right wrist three and a half years ago, I asked my left-handed daughter if we could trade “handedness” for a while. She doesn’t think it works that way.
When things like broken bones happen, most people bemoan the issue and complain about the crimp the temporary disability puts on their lifestyle. Yes, we are distracted by the pain. But for the Christian…..
“Feet Wet” is a term I have heard in movies and TV programs involving military flight. It is a short way of saying, “We are no longer flying over land, but we are now flying over water.” We also have a “wet feet” idiomatic expression in the English language that refers to being afraid to do something. In Christianity, however, there is an Old Testament benchmark for wet…..
You may be wondering why I have been doing re-runs the past few weeks. For one thing, the topic of prayer seemed an appropriate direction given our current chaotic social and political culture. But it was primarily a matter of survival for me. Recently my husband was diagnosed with cancer for the third time. We have been busy with biopsies, doctor visits, and surgical after-care. In other words,…..