The envelope arrives in your mailbox telling you that you have “definitely won” an enormous amount of money. Then you read the fine print, “if the number inside is the winning number.” Your interest is piqued and you follow all the directions, send the official entry form back, and pray that the Lord would make you the winner. In the weeks, months, and years to come, you receive…..
More Than Comforter, Part 4
As a teenager, I struggled with the concept of knowing the will of God. Should I become a doctor, a lawyer, a nurse, a detective? Is it God’s will for me to go on a short-term evangelical mission to France or not? Who will I marry? When we talk about the will of God, we generally think in terms of three sources to…..
Knowing the Will of God
When I was a teenager, I was stressed about knowing the will of God for my life. When I was ten years old, I decided I wanted to become an MD. A few years later, the father of a friend discouraged me from doing that, citing the terrible responsibility a doctor has for the care of her patients. I thought perhaps a career…..