When we attended a “Walk Thru the Bible” (https://www.walkthru.org) workshop with our children some thirty years ago, we learned a mnemonic phrase to designate the relationships of three kings with God: Saul had no heart for God, David had a whole heart for God, and Solomon served God with only half a heart. More than once, Scripture applies David’s relationship with God as the standard by which other…..
Exodus 25-31 describes the instructions God gave Moses about the building, accessories, and maintenance of the Tabernacle. Moses was told to request willing sacrifices of the people with which to make a dwelling place for God among them: “And this is the offering which you shall take of them: gold, silver, and brass; blue, purple, scarlet, and fine linen; goats’ hair, rams’ skins dyed red, and badgers’ skins; shittim…..
Faith in God Who is My Rock and Strength
Metaphors of God’s strength appear throughout the Psalms: my Salvation, my Strength, my Rock of Refuge, my strong Refuge and Guide, my Strong Habitation, Shelter, and Tower, my Shield, Help, Maker, and Deliverer. During weeks such as this one, in which my husband was in the hospital from Monday through Thursday during Covid when there are no visitors (even…..
Secure In Salvation
[If parts of this devotional seem to repeat other recent devotionals, it is because I’m in the middle of preparations to speak at a conference with the theme of “Anchored” using, of course, Hebrews 6 as the basis of my messages. This just happens to be what I am studying right now.]
1 John 5:20 gives us some details about our Savior, Jesus Christ, that…..
The Rest of the Christmas Story
When we think of priests, we generally have in mind either a cassocked representative of the Catholic Church or a Sunday school picture of priests overseeing daily sacrifices in the Old Testament Tabernacle. But we, as Christians, are also called priests (and kings) according to Revelation. 1:5b-6: “Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood,…..