Although the information coming out of CDC is sometimes questionable these days, their sleep needs chart draws from several reputable studies. Here’s how much sleep their website suggests, by age, for optimal health levels (
Many people struggle to maintain healthy sleep habits for a variety of reasons including outside disruptors,…..
On Facebook a few years ago, I encountered two posts from “Hope for the Broken-Hearted”. It feels like a good fit for where I am today.
One was a “Prayer of Release” in which the supplicant releases burdens and control to God, requests the promised peace of God, and thanks God for the subsequent protection and sustaining peace. The Bible clearly calls us to humble ourselves before God…..
Every Home Has a Hush
There’s an old Spanish saying that “Every home has a hush” – everyone carries a burden in some form or fashion. But it was the poet Robert Browning Hamilton who suggested that difficulty can be a strong teacher:
“I walked a mile with Pleasure; She chatted all the way; But left me none the wiser, For all she had to say. I walked…..