“Feet Wet” is a term I have heard in movies and TV programs involving military flight. It is a short way of saying, “We are no longer flying over land, but we are now flying over water.” We also have a “wet feet” idiomatic expression in the English language that refers to being afraid to do something. In Christianity, however, there is an Old Testament benchmark for wet…..
Peace, Be Still
Shortly after ordaining and empowering His twelve disciples, Jesus was traveling near and across the Sea of Galilee. At each stop, crowds quickly gathered to see Him, hear Him, and observe His miracles. However, on a trip across the sea to Gadara, He performed the only miracle recorded in the Gospel of Mark that does not involve healing, demonic deliverance, or raising from the dead……
Forgiven, Therefore Forgive
“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
In the middle of the excruciating pain of crucifixion, Jesus proclaimed forgiveness for his tormentors. But it was not the first time He had talked about forgiveness. He had spoken numerous times about forgiveness during His ministry on earth.
In demonstration of His power and authority to forgive sins, He spoke…..