The Wait is Over
The last time I wrote, I talked about God’s call for me to step down and wait. God made it clear that I was entering a new season in my life. I didn’t know what that would look like, but I knew it would include recovery from something.
In June I discovered my new season quite suddenly when I had a heart attack while…..
After three consecutive scans that were clear of cancer, my husband had his chemo-port removed this week in his fifth fully-anesthetized procedure in a year. Over this past year of chemotherapy, we couldn’t see a clear mission like we had with our other two experiences of cancer in 2006 and 2018. Until, that is, after his treatments were done.
The first contact that mentioned the need of encouragement…..
In the past two weeks two different people have called what I said, on two different subjects and at two different times, heretical. Both came as a shock since I have never been accused of heresy in the more than six decades that I have been a born-again believer. Heresy is a very strong word and my understanding of the biblical term is that of taking someone outside…..
As Dan’s caregiver fifteen years ago, I found dealing with insurance companies among the most difficult activities related to cancer that I had to do. I spent a great deal of time, sometimes more than an hour, on the phone waiting for agents to answer so I could ask my questions. I usually ended up on hold, as well, waiting for the supervisor to be asked the question……
Some time ago Heritage hosted a panel discussion on issues surrounding transgenderism. Along with obviously conservative members, the panel included a lesbian and a prominent leader of NOW. The idea of the negative impact of promotion of transgender acceptability on women was probably the only thing they agreed on. But that one idea brought them together in an activist setting to declare concerns about safety and the potential…..
You may be wondering why I have been doing re-runs the past few weeks. For one thing, the topic of prayer seemed an appropriate direction given our current chaotic social and political culture. But it was primarily a matter of survival for me. Recently my husband was diagnosed with cancer for the third time. We have been busy with biopsies, doctor visits, and surgical after-care. In other words,…..
The envelope arrives in your mailbox telling you that you have “definitely won” an enormous amount of money. Then you read the fine print, “if the number inside is the winning number.” Your interest is piqued and you follow all the directions, send the official entry form back, and pray that the Lord would make you the winner. In the weeks, months, and years to come, you receive…..
Exodus 25-31 describes the instructions God gave Moses about the building, accessories, and maintenance of the Tabernacle. Moses was told to request willing sacrifices of the people with which to make a dwelling place for God among them: “And this is the offering which you shall take of them: gold, silver, and brass; blue, purple, scarlet, and fine linen; goats’ hair, rams’ skins dyed red, and badgers’ skins; shittim…..
On Facebook a few years ago, I encountered two posts from “Hope for the Broken-Hearted”. It feels like a good fit for where I am today.
One was a “Prayer of Release” in which the supplicant releases burdens and control to God, requests the promised peace of God, and thanks God for the subsequent protection and sustaining peace. The Bible clearly calls us to humble ourselves before God…..
Trust and Obey
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts in thee. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength” (Is. 26:3-4).
These verses state a reverse continuum that is the very basis of our salvation in Jesus Christ. It starts with God’s everlasting strength, more than enough reason to believe and trust…..