While leafing through an old hymnbook, I came across a favorite hymn that I had not sung for years. “Moment by Moment” (Words by May Whittle Moody 1870-1963, tune by Daniel W. Whittle 1840-1901) effectively expresses our Biblical hope in God’s Son. Here are the words:
While the lilting tune is…..
God’s Character Revealed in Salvation
In our modern-day Bibles, Psalm 139:1-24 appears to be one long poem written without separations except by single-sentence lines. But when you read it through from start to finish, it becomes clear that the psalm is David’s declaration of his relationship with God who is omniscient and omnipresent. It also envisages the relationship of the New Testament believer with God, listing the benefits…..
He Knows My Name
While shopping recently I was delighted to watch two little girls whose mother was standing in line in front of me. The two girls couldn’t have been more than 3 ½ years old, twins and mirror images of each other. But how different their personalities are one from the other.
The one stood aggressively rattling a plastic bag of gummy candies hanging on the…..